Saturday, May 20, 2006

Would you like fries with that?

Coach just had that post about covering the uninsured, and I attest once again to my lack of knowledge regarding that subject. But let me pose another question: How about properly covering the insured?

A friend of ours just had a partial masectomy. The surgery was at 3pm yesterday. She got home from the hospital around 8pm. She also had some lymph nodes removed. Here's your surgery, ma'am. Would you like fries and a shake to go with that?

What is up? Perhaps someone like Coach and others in the medical field can explain it to me. Is it not rather invasive surgery? And she didn't even get to spend the night? Is this typical, or a hospital by hospital, or worse yet, insurance by insurance case? I would hope that drive-through surgery is not protocol.

Again, this is my ignorant-regarding-subject .02! Oh, and I hope I spelled all the words right. I haven't figured out spell check on blogger.

1 comment:

Coach said...

Well, one trick is that patients are a lot safer at home than in the hospital. Seriously. If you stay there long enough you are likely to pick up a nosocomial infection--the kind that antibiotics can't treat well because the bugs in the hospital have developed such resistance. I'm not saying that cost isn't a big issue too, but there are other issues in play in trying to get people out of the hospital early. I'm sure I'll be able to tell you more once I've actually started doing, you know, doctor type stuff.