Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yahoo! Geocities

I thought I would venture into capitalism and see if posting my biochemistry tutorial online would generate enough traffic to make a few cents off advertisements. Well, I didn't get far out of the gate before there were major problems. I chose to host with Yahoo!'s Geocities, as we've had good experiences with them in the past. They only charged $5 a month, and as a promotion I could get 25% off of that too.

Well, I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say that Macromedia Flash generated files are not properly delivered from their servers, but they will not support this because it involves third-party software. Nevermind I have demonstrated to them that the compiled files work perfectly well from any other servers on the web and it is their advertising scripting (or something like it) that is probably to blame. After exchanging well over a dozen e-mails, they still have not solved the problem, cancelled my account as I requested when it became clear they could not help me, or fixed the incorrect credit card charges they had initiated (they failed to give me the 25% off that was offered when I signed up). Every message is answered by a new person who sends me a unique new irrelevant form response. It's been a delight. And for my persistent efforts, I'm hoping to eventually be rewarded with two $1.25 credits on my MasterCard. Hooboy! I'm such a sucker for principle.

1 comment:

Boss said...

"Well, I won't bore you with the details."

I thought was the whole point of this enterprise! Who else are we going to bore, if not ourselves!